Tag Archives: Radio City

Merry Christmas

{The Christmas decorations in the foyer in our building}

This year Christmas was a little different from the usual – it is cold outside, we went to a restaurant for Christmas lunch (usually we have big home cooked meal) and we are on the other side of the world away from my family and our friends (thank goodness for Skype). Despite all this, we did our best to get into the spirit of Christmas and make NY feel like home. Originally the rule was no presents but a tree without presents looks so empty so we rectified that fairly quickly, Tim’s Mum and I went to the Rockettes’ Christmas Spectacular at Radio City (if you haven’t been it needs to go on a NY to do list), I lined up for longer than I should to buy Michael Bublés Christmas CD (it was worth the wait and has been played more times than I can count), we purchased a beautiful but small poinsettia from the markets to add some red and green into the apartment, and we went to listen and sing along at the Christmas carols in Washington Square Park on Christmas Eve. Here are a few snaps I’ve taken throughout the season that have made me appreciate this time of year. Our only disappointment this year was that it didn’t snow!

{The Union Square Holiday Markets}

{Ice skating rinks have popped up everywhere}

{Christmas decorations adorning a plain building}

{Christmas day lunch at the Boathouse in Central Park}

Merry Christmas everyone I hope Santa found you, was good to you and that you had a wonderful day spending time with loved ones.